Zena Pacey
Zena joins ........ Harters Admin Services
I am delighted to announce that Zena Pacey, a dear friend and colleague of many years, and I, have decided to join forces and offer our Admin Services together, as Associates under the shared umbrella of “Harters Admin Services”.
Zena brings to the team a wealth of experience across the Finance sector, having worked as a Senior Administrator in Mortgages & Protection, Pensions and Investments. She is CeMAP qualified too!
Zena is a super dependable Financial Administrator, with many years’ experience.
She has high attention to detail, great lateral thinking and works speedily on achieving results.
We are hoping to complement each other with our breadth and depth of experience from the past areas of administration we have both worked in.
You can reach Zena at:
M: 07435 134645